Technorati's State of the Blogosphere 2010: who bloggers are, how bloggers do it, and how much they make. Don't miss previous years' editions.
"The News About the Internet," the New York Review of Books' definitive look at how—at least as of summer, 2009—media and blogs interact and overlap.
"Cut This Story!" from the usually much wordier Atlantic. "One reason seekers of news are abandoning print newspapers for the Internet has nothing directly to do with technology. It’s that newspaper articles are too long."
"How Blogs are Becoming More Like Newspapers," from Gawker, one of the best blogs out there—and one that's been not undeservedly accused of being one of those parasites that David Simon is quoted slagging in the New York Review of Books article.
"What Exactly Is a Blog?" After an angry, confused email from a retired editor ("I still do not understand [blogs]. Nor do I like them"), The New York Times' public editor solicits The New York Times' managing editor to quickly defend how their paper uses blogs and blogging.
"Clay Shirky: 'Paywall will underperform – the numbers don't add up,'" in The Guardian. One of the best thinkers about the internet thinks about the future of the internet and those in the media trying to take advantage of it.
And if you haven't yet, the Gene Weingarten Washington Post column and Ryerson Review of Journalism article, previously linked to here, are must-reads if you're interested in how the internet affects (or ruins, as it were) writing.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
How To Start Making A Custom Google Map
By popular demand—by which I mean Louise suggested I do this, and I remember Matt nodding in agreement—here's a step-by-step look at how to make your own Google Map and add a location to it. (There's a lot more you can do with Google Maps than what I outline here, like making custom shapes and backgrounds and borders around things or along roads, but this should help you get started.)
1. Go to Google Maps, click the "My Maps" link, and then click "Create new map."
2. Give your map a title and set it to "Unlisted"; if your map is Unlisted, you can still embed in and send people links to it.
3. Search for a location as you otherwise would in Google Maps. I'll find College and McCaul, since that's where we have class.
4. When Google Maps finds the location you wanted it to and places the marker on the map, click that marker, which'll bring up a pop-up that looks like this:
5. Click "Save to..." and save it to your new map.
6. A little bit of text with a yellow background will come up on the top of the page confirming the save. If you want to add more locations to your map now, repeat steps 4–5; if you want to start editing those locations' descriptions and icons, click "View map."
7. When you do, you'll be spirited away to the map's individual page—which should have a list of the locations along the left side of the page, with a map alongside it. You should be able to see the location you just added on the map itself. (If you aren't seeing the markers on the map, try refreshing the page, or switch to a different browser; I've always had trouble using Google Maps in Firefox, for some reason, but Google's Chrome and Apple's Safari browsers both work great.) Click the "edit" button.
8. If you click either the links in the sidebar, or the markers on the map, a little pop-up will appear in which you can edit the location's name, description, or icon. Spend some time playing around with what you're able to do here.
9. When you're finished, hit the "Save" button on the left-hand sidebar.
10. Then, click the "Link" link in the top-right corner of the page. That'll bring up the link for your map, if you want to share it with someone or your readers, or—better yet—give you the HTML code you'd need to copy and paste elsewhere to have the map display wherever you want.
...and here's our map, set to 350 pixels wide, and 350 pixels tall:
1. Go to Google Maps, click the "My Maps" link, and then click "Create new map."
2. Give your map a title and set it to "Unlisted"; if your map is Unlisted, you can still embed in and send people links to it.
3. Search for a location as you otherwise would in Google Maps. I'll find College and McCaul, since that's where we have class.
4. When Google Maps finds the location you wanted it to and places the marker on the map, click that marker, which'll bring up a pop-up that looks like this:
5. Click "Save to..." and save it to your new map.
6. A little bit of text with a yellow background will come up on the top of the page confirming the save. If you want to add more locations to your map now, repeat steps 4–5; if you want to start editing those locations' descriptions and icons, click "View map."
7. When you do, you'll be spirited away to the map's individual page—which should have a list of the locations along the left side of the page, with a map alongside it. You should be able to see the location you just added on the map itself. (If you aren't seeing the markers on the map, try refreshing the page, or switch to a different browser; I've always had trouble using Google Maps in Firefox, for some reason, but Google's Chrome and Apple's Safari browsers both work great.) Click the "edit" button.
8. If you click either the links in the sidebar, or the markers on the map, a little pop-up will appear in which you can edit the location's name, description, or icon. Spend some time playing around with what you're able to do here.
9. When you're finished, hit the "Save" button on the left-hand sidebar.
10. Then, click the "Link" link in the top-right corner of the page. That'll bring up the link for your map, if you want to share it with someone or your readers, or—better yet—give you the HTML code you'd need to copy and paste elsewhere to have the map display wherever you want.
11. If you want to see how the map will look when you embed it in a page, click "Customize and preview embedded map." That'll bring up a separate page; if you click the "Custom" button, you can input your own height and width as you want.
...and here's our map, set to 350 pixels wide, and 350 pixels tall:
Sunday, November 21, 2010
SCS2114 - Your Blogs
West Annex News (Louise)
The Comm. Officer (Sharlene)
52 Hoods (Matt)
The Year of Chris (Christine)
Little White Duck (Bonnie)
Adventures in Tealand (Rita)
Living the Charmed Life (Mary Jane)
Octagon Ontario (Andrew)
Last updated on Monday, November 22, at 2:11 p.m.
The Comm. Officer (Sharlene)
52 Hoods (Matt)
The Year of Chris (Christine)
Little White Duck (Bonnie)
Adventures in Tealand (Rita)
Living the Charmed Life (Mary Jane)
Octagon Ontario (Andrew)
Last updated on Monday, November 22, at 2:11 p.m.
Monday, November 15, 2010
SCS2114 - November 22
For next class, November 22, you should:
- Create your own blog; the instructions for how to get started are here. If you have time, try adding SiteMeter to it, too.
- Write one regular-length post for your blog before the end of Saturday, November 20. As usual, bring nine copies of that post to next class so we can pick it apart mercilessly.
- Email me with a link to your blog, also by the end of the night on November 20—I'll be writing a short post for the class blog that will link to everyone's.
- Check the class blog some time on Sunday or Monday, and follow the links to everyone else's blog; those'll be what you'll want to be reading regularly from now on.
Mary Jane Demo Post - Images
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae tortor in odio feugiat malesuada quis vitae dui. Sed a nulla non erat congue tempus. Curabitur adipiscing, nibh auctor ultrices pharetra, elit eros convallis elit, sed luctus arcu magna in dui. Vivamus id iaculis leo. Nunc eleifend justo hendrerit lorem semper pellentesque non ac neque. Cras id diam quis nisi sollicitudin venenatis ut et mauris. Suspendisse vitae nunc a neque interdum vehicula eget vel diam. Integer sit amet nunc nec massa mollis adipiscing. In tempor, augue eget tempor gravida, est eros suscipit purus, ac volutpat mi dui ut eros. Suspendisse vitae posuere nulla. Ut vel neque quam, et ullamcorper nisl. Vivamus vitae rutrum orci. Morbi luctus mattis leo vel ultrices. Ut odio tortor, aliquam ac aliquet sed, consectetur nec orci. Vestibulum sit amet placerat enim. Ut tincidunt diam ut eros scelerisque auctor ac egestas diam. Proin scelerisque varius sem in suscipit. Phasellus sem sapien, faucibus id pharetra sit amet, egestas at lacus. Phasellus ac fermentum lectus. Morbi vitae sapien at augue rutrum rutrum.
Cras porttitor scelerisque dictum. Nunc blandit sem non magna eleifend suscipit vulputate justo tincidunt. Praesent luctus tortor quis mi viverra a dapibus neque dignissim. Mauris rhoncus nisl id lectus pretium malesuada ac eu metus. Integer nec quam dui. In porta risus id arcu ultrices sagittis. Aliquam sit amet ante mollis dolor cursus hendrerit. Nunc pretium orci vitae leo tristique in feugiat dolor egestas. Ut hendrerit, tortor a placerat fermentum, arcu purus elementum felis, a scelerisque orci augue vitae purus. Donec vitae ligula mauris. Pellentesque tincidunt eleifend eros, id ultrices magna laoreet sed.
Duis sed dictum ipsum. Maecenas cursus eros vitae lacus iaculis eget porttitor leo feugiat. Pellentesque eu molestie mi. Maecenas et massa vitae ligula vehicula vestibulum at ac eros. Cras sed adipiscing magna. Vivamus mauris justo, consequat ac posuere a, pretium at sem. In non velit vitae nulla tincidunt blandit quis blandit dolor. Etiam sollicitudin dui sed eros pellentesque id lacinia risus tincidunt. Nam aliquet, ipsum sit amet feugiat condimentum, mi lorem semper felis, ut vestibulum velit metus non risus. Vivamus nunc eros, feugiat non pretium sollicitudin, tristique eleifend est. Nam sollicitudin ligula blandit magna molestie lobortis. Integer ac mauris ipsum, ut tempor eros. Morbi molestie ornare venenatis. Ut vitae nunc justo, quis dapibus augue. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin magna non adipiscing. Mauris at libero purus. Integer felis velit, suscipit at blandit nec, pulvinar sed leo. Ut varius dui ac lorem aliquet convallis. Maecenas rhoncus dictum ullamcorper.
Integer metus purus, auctor eget suscipit eget, aliquam sit amet libero. Mauris vitae aliquam velit. Praesent posuere nibh vitae quam fermentum mollis. Phasellus condimentum sodales justo, et fringilla ante consequat et. Donec quis erat in mauris aliquet fringilla vel eget nulla. Proin quis nunc lectus. Sed lobortis consectetur odio eu blandit. Aenean nec leo vel augue placerat tincidunt quis a libero. Pellentesque dolor velit, feugiat id convallis sagittis, molestie quis turpis. Praesent in augue sed odio eleifend scelerisque. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse nunc eros, malesuada posuere ornare ac, tincidunt a neque. Curabitur at metus ut tellus gravida rhoncus at at odio. Cras vel ligula id libero accumsan tempor. Nulla tincidunt consequat lacus.
Fusce vel ligula eget augue porta semper sed consectetur urna. Pellentesque quis urna purus, sit amet congue nibh. Sed massa erat, volutpat sed elementum nec, molestie et augue. Duis imperdiet sodales metus. Quisque urna lectus, placerat vitae pulvinar et, mattis in orci. Aenean molestie imperdiet laoreet. Nullam porta, felis eu accumsan consequat, sem neque luctus nulla, nec bibendum dolor ante tincidunt odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur tincidunt tempor arcu non lobortis. Morbi dictum, tellus at gravida varius, ante nibh suscipit tortor, eget porta mauris nisl vitae tortor. Etiam eu erat ligula, sit amet laoreet erat. Cras magna mauris, varius vitae interdum ut, elementum vulputate purus. Fusce justo neque, dignissim dapibus rutrum eu, dignissim et nibh. Nunc euismod ligula eu justo egestas eu commodo metus dignissim. Nulla sit amet magna mauris, sed ornare velit. Nam pharetra, risus ut aliquet lobortis, quam erat rhoncus mauris, sed gravida nunc ante vitae nulla. Aliquam gravida neque ac turpis scelerisque dapibus. Phasellus dictum orci sem, in condimentum ante. Suspendisse nibh lorem, adipiscing lacinia suscipit et, dictum sit amet ante.
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Photo by wickenden. |
Duis sed dictum ipsum. Maecenas cursus eros vitae lacus iaculis eget porttitor leo feugiat. Pellentesque eu molestie mi. Maecenas et massa vitae ligula vehicula vestibulum at ac eros. Cras sed adipiscing magna. Vivamus mauris justo, consequat ac posuere a, pretium at sem. In non velit vitae nulla tincidunt blandit quis blandit dolor. Etiam sollicitudin dui sed eros pellentesque id lacinia risus tincidunt. Nam aliquet, ipsum sit amet feugiat condimentum, mi lorem semper felis, ut vestibulum velit metus non risus. Vivamus nunc eros, feugiat non pretium sollicitudin, tristique eleifend est. Nam sollicitudin ligula blandit magna molestie lobortis. Integer ac mauris ipsum, ut tempor eros. Morbi molestie ornare venenatis. Ut vitae nunc justo, quis dapibus augue. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin magna non adipiscing. Mauris at libero purus. Integer felis velit, suscipit at blandit nec, pulvinar sed leo. Ut varius dui ac lorem aliquet convallis. Maecenas rhoncus dictum ullamcorper.
Integer metus purus, auctor eget suscipit eget, aliquam sit amet libero. Mauris vitae aliquam velit. Praesent posuere nibh vitae quam fermentum mollis. Phasellus condimentum sodales justo, et fringilla ante consequat et. Donec quis erat in mauris aliquet fringilla vel eget nulla. Proin quis nunc lectus. Sed lobortis consectetur odio eu blandit. Aenean nec leo vel augue placerat tincidunt quis a libero. Pellentesque dolor velit, feugiat id convallis sagittis, molestie quis turpis. Praesent in augue sed odio eleifend scelerisque. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse nunc eros, malesuada posuere ornare ac, tincidunt a neque. Curabitur at metus ut tellus gravida rhoncus at at odio. Cras vel ligula id libero accumsan tempor. Nulla tincidunt consequat lacus.
Fusce vel ligula eget augue porta semper sed consectetur urna. Pellentesque quis urna purus, sit amet congue nibh. Sed massa erat, volutpat sed elementum nec, molestie et augue. Duis imperdiet sodales metus. Quisque urna lectus, placerat vitae pulvinar et, mattis in orci. Aenean molestie imperdiet laoreet. Nullam porta, felis eu accumsan consequat, sem neque luctus nulla, nec bibendum dolor ante tincidunt odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur tincidunt tempor arcu non lobortis. Morbi dictum, tellus at gravida varius, ante nibh suscipit tortor, eget porta mauris nisl vitae tortor. Etiam eu erat ligula, sit amet laoreet erat. Cras magna mauris, varius vitae interdum ut, elementum vulputate purus. Fusce justo neque, dignissim dapibus rutrum eu, dignissim et nibh. Nunc euismod ligula eu justo egestas eu commodo metus dignissim. Nulla sit amet magna mauris, sed ornare velit. Nam pharetra, risus ut aliquet lobortis, quam erat rhoncus mauris, sed gravida nunc ante vitae nulla. Aliquam gravida neque ac turpis scelerisque dapibus. Phasellus dictum orci sem, in condimentum ante. Suspendisse nibh lorem, adipiscing lacinia suscipit et, dictum sit amet ante.
YouTube Test - Tina Fey
Tina Fey won the Mark Twain Prize for comedy writing yesterday. Here is a video of her answering PBS viewers' questions:
For more on Tina Fey, check out her Wikipedia page.
For more on Tina Fey, check out her Wikipedia page.
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