Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Perils of Fetching a Chinese Bride

Aw, weddings are so nice - I just came back from B.C. for my friend's wedding. Great resort by the sea, beautiful bride (my friend) and handsome groom, family and friends... good food and dancing to celebrate the union, it was awesome!

In his speech, the groom informed us that he had started the day with a yoga session. Oh how nice, some stretching and meditating to keep his nerves calm and mind centered for the big day... Well, if they were a Chinese couple, he wouldn't have had such an "easy" and calm start that morning...

There would have been the traditional wedding door games . When the groom comes to the bride's family home to fetch her for the wedding ceremony, the groom (with the help of his groomsmen "brothers") must prove his love and worthiness to the bride's family and friends. Only when they have completed a series of games or tasks will the bride to be given to the groom.

Some of these games are quite amusing to watch, as I had the pleasure of, at my cousin's wedding this summer.

Let me introduce to you ... the Waxing Game:

One of the bridesmaid applying wax strip on a poor groomsman's leg ....

ouch... the pain!

Bridesmaid will give no mercy...

hmm, maybe they should wax the other side too - just so it matches ...

Or another one that is quite popular is the Hot Sauce game:

Those little timbits the ladies are holding may look innocent and sweet ... NO, for they are filled with deadly hot sauce! (Portuguese piri piri sauce was used in this case)

Depending on the ladies' creativity, the games can be very simple or more elaborate for the men to complete.

Only when the bridesmaids and family members are satisfied with the groom's show of love, will the groom be finally allowed to enter the house to fetch his bride.

So even in these modern times, it's nice to see that ancient Chinese traditions still prevail and carry on. A little "fun" to start the day can make the day so much more memorable!

So, come on, all you grooms out there! Follow the lead of the Chinese folks and try a door game or two.

Hey, when my turn comes, would I spare the boys from the potential onslaught of my women friends and family members? ... Hmm .... Hell No!

(All photos by Rita Fong)

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