Monday, November 2, 2009

1144 days from today..

by Pairazaweb

Many of us know about the amazing contributions of the Mayan civilization to our astronomical knowledge and to the calendar that today reigns our days, but between the fuzz created by Hollywood with the strongly repeated movie trailers of the 2012 movie and the masses that since the Y2K are hungry for disaster, information regarding Maya's predictions for 2012 tend to deform.

The Mayans dedicated their lives to understanding our solar system cycles, and their relation to our spiritual and collective consciousness. The most significant discovery for our time is the one related to the prophecies of the 2012 transition.

The Mayan's said that 7 years after the Katun cycle began (1999 ), we would enter a moment of darkness where we will be faced with extreme disasters, viruses, and suffering.
The events in those years would lead us into "The Sacred hall of mirrors" which is a moment for us to reflect on our past actions, our relation to nature, to others, and its consequences.
After the period of reflection, and depending in our life choices, on the 21 of December of 2012 we will be welcomed into a new galactic day that lasts 25,625 years.

It is important to say that the Mayan calendar is the most accurate calendar in the planet. It is even more precise than the Gregorian calendar used in our society. It has never erred.
The origin of these predictions are rooted in planet alignment and the natural changes occurring in the sun and in the axis of the Earth mixed with their spiritual beliefs.

So what will happen 1144 days from now is impossible to know, but the message is very clear. There is no doomsday, but there is a new beginning in humanity's consciousness. There will be significant changes in the Earth and society. We are already noticing them with the recent collapse of the old financial institutions in the world, and changes in the earth's magnetic field. Changes will start accelerating towards 2012 and we will have to make decisions regarding this negative path of hate, fear and egoism.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting stuff, thanks for the article. I always love learning the real story behind Hollywood's exageratted tales....
